we’re happy you’re here

Departments & Services

  • [COMING SOON] Rose & Thorn

    Select houseplant care gifts and supplies for the discerning houseplant enthusiast

  • [COMING SOON] Charlie Rose Collection

    A carefully selected and ever-changing selection of unique items.

  • [COMING SOON] Clothing Resale

    Unique resale experience specializing in unique and luxury brands for women and children.

  • [COMING SOON] Permanent Plus One

    Custom-made jewelry that's designed to be worn long-term without being taken off.

  • [COMING SOON] Al & Em's Specialty Consignment Services

    Stay tuned!

  • Laurel Tree Properties, LLC

    Main office and meeting space for LaurelTree Properties, LLC.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide unique, sustainable goods and services in communities we love - and have fun while doing it. We are committed to elevating individuals, local communities, and small businesses whenever possible.

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