we’re happy you’re here
Departments & Services
[COMING SOON] Rose & Thorn
Select houseplant care gifts and supplies for the discerning houseplant enthusiast
[COMING SOON] Charlie Rose Collection
A carefully selected and ever-changing selection of unique items.
[COMING SOON] Clothing Resale
Unique resale experience specializing in unique and luxury brands for women and children.
[COMING SOON] Permanent Plus One
Custom-made jewelry that's designed to be worn long-term without being taken off.
[COMING SOON] Al & Em's Specialty Consignment Services
Stay tuned!
Laurel Tree Properties, LLC
Main office and meeting space for LaurelTree Properties, LLC.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide unique, sustainable goods and services in communities we love - and have fun while doing it. We are committed to elevating individuals, local communities, and small businesses whenever possible.